BPC-157 Peptide Therapy

BPC-157 Peptide Therapy

What is BPC-157 and how does it work?
BPC-157 is a peptide with numerous uses. It is a 15-amino acid peptide derived from body protection compound (BPC) found in human stomach digestive juices. Studies show it accelerates healing of many tissues, including those that typically heal slowly, such as tendons and ligaments.

BPC-157 seems to also balance systemic inflammation, increase blood flow to damaged tissues, and relieve pain.

Key Benifits

  • Accelerates wound, skin, and tissue healing, including deep burns, ligaments, bones, and tendons
  • Protects and heals gut lining
  • Promotes many types of cellular repair
  • Protects cells and improves cell survival with oxidative stress
  • Improves blood flow to injured areas
  • Relieves pain from injuries
  • Protects neurons and supports healing of brain injuries
  • Regulates brain serotonin and dopamine functions, possibly helping with mood
  • Improves blood vessel formation
  • May help with stress urinary incontinence
  • Supports a healthy gut-brain axis
  • Supports muscle building in response to resistance training

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