CJC-1295 Peptide Therapy

CJC-1295 Peptide Therapy

What is CJC-1295 and how does it work?
Growth hormone is a natural peptide hormone from your pituitary gland. In young children, it stimulates growth. In adults, it supports muscle mass, fat metabolism, bone health, and heart health. It typically increases during deep sleep in the middle of the night. Also, its levels decline with age, contributing to age-related body fat gain, loss of lean mass, and slowed metabolism.

Growth hormone also stimulates IGF-1, which manages the effects of growth hormones. Both hormones work together on tissue and bone growth. IGF-1 weakly binds to insulin receptors and may enhance insulin action. In adults, IGF-1 also protects the blood vessels and neurons, making it important for cardiovascular, and cognitive and mental health.

CJC-1295 is the synthetic analog of the first 29 amino acids of growth-hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) or growth hormone secretagogue. In a clinical study, CJC-1295 increased growth hormones (GH) by 2- to 10-fold and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) by 0.5- to 3-fold over the course of 9 to 11 days.

Key Benifits

  • Promotes muscle growth and fat loss
  • Slows down aging
  • Improves sleep
  • Stays in the system for more than a week
  • Temporarily increases GHRH

Brand Key Points

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