Compression therapy

Compression therapy

Compression boots are inflatable sleeves for the legs that fill with air and squeeze your legs to increase blood flow.

How does a compression therapy device work? Pneumatic compression devices use an air pump and inflatable garment to create intermittent compression for your legs or other body parts. Compression boots and machines can be used for persons with severe lymphatic or venous disease and can very effectively reduce swelling.

Key Benifits

  • Increased Flexibility
  • Reduce Soreness
  • Better Blood Flow
  • Prevention and Treatment of Varicose Veins
  • Lower Risk of Blood Clots

Travelers are also at a greater risk of developing a blood clot because they are seated for long periods of time. You are three times more likely to have problems with blood clots while flying than at other times. Your risk goes up even higher on longer flights.

Brand Key Points

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