Methylene Blue IV

Methylene Blue IV

Over 90% of diseases that exist today are caused by dysfunction in our cell’s mitochondria. When our cells are unable to use oxygen to produce energy, methylene blue can act like the missing enzyme to quickly restore normal mitochondrial respiration, oxygen consumption, and energy production. Methylene blue is a potent antimicrobial capable of killing fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. It is a powerful preventive medication and treatment for malaria. It is a potent antidote for chemical pxoisonings and overdoses. Methylene blue has neuroprotective properties to aid stroke and traumatic brain injury patients and is an effective anti-anxiety and anti-depressive medication.

Key Benifits

  • Benefits of IV Drip
  • Therapy
  • Increase Energy and
  • Stamina
  • Avoid the Afternoon
  • Crash
  • Eliminate Brain Fog
  • Sports Recovery
  • Enhanced Immunity
  • Natural Glow
  • Vitamin, Mineral, and Antioxidant
  • Replenishment
  • 100% bioavailable directly into your bloodstream compared to the 15-20% bioavailability of oral administration
  • Nearly immediate results

Brand Key Points

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