On flights, the relative humidity is about 10-15%, which is lower than in the desert. The low humidity causes your body to lose more fluids. The longer the travel, the greater the fluid loss, with a 10 hour flight losing up to 2L. While jet lag does not cause dehydration, dehydration from the airline you flew on can exacerbate your jet lag. IV fluid will assist in replacing what you have lost.
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Benefits of IV Drip Therapy
IV fluid replacement is designed to assist in replenishing fluids lost during air travel. By directly delivering essential fluids through intravenous infusion, it helps counteract the effects of dehydration and contributes to the overall well-being of travelers.
Dehydration from air travel can potentially worsen jet lag symptoms. IV fluid helps address this issue by providing a quick and effective means of replenishing lost fluids, promoting hydration, and supporting the body’s recovery from the effects of travel.
IV fluid replacement is particularly beneficial for longer flights or travel under conditions with low humidity that contribute to increased fluid loss. It is a valuable option for individuals looking to optimize hydration and minimize the impact of air travel on well-being.